Quality Assurance

At Coker, we are committed to continuously improving the overall service which we provide to our customers. It is with great pride that we are able to say that our on-going achievement rate is constantly above 99.7%, with numerous customers receiving a 100% quality achievement rate.

Our quality assurance standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • SC21
  • Rolls Royce

For more information about how we can provide a solution to your engineering requirements, then please contact us by email at info@cokerengineering.com, tel: 44(0)1460-67162 or complete our simple contact form and we will be happy to help.

ISO 9001:2015

We have been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification for our quality management system. This gives our customers assurance that their orders will be met consistently, on time and to the correct specification.

Registration to ISO 9001:2015 is an absolute necessity for us, because it gives our customers the peace of mind to know that their product is manufactured in a controlled environment where the following of procedures ensures that their finished item arrives on time, and exactly as they would expect to receive it.



Please click the link below to download our current BSI Certification –










Customer Testimonials

“Coker Engineering have been supplying quality turned components to Triumph Motorcycles since 2013. Their expertise has been invaluable and they are highly regarded by the Design team at Triumph. They deliver parts on time and with great care  offering an excellent service and  communication from Giles , Jayzee and the rest of the Coker team.”



 “We started working with Coker Engineering in 2018 following a change in supply. Throughout our working relationship they have proven their vast machining capabilities, producing high quality, conforming parts for SIRS to use within our product, supplied to the aircraft industry. Coker have always been able to achieve fine tolerances and meet our requirements adequately, often offering useful technical input when required. We look forward to continuing our business relationship for many years and would recommend them to any companies requiring high quality, accurate, machined components.”



“After machining in house for over 90 years, a management decision was made to outsource a large proportion of our bespoke precision parts. Due to the nature of our business, our components must be manufactured to very tight tolerances and high cleanliness standard. We had struggled to find a company willing to take on this work. After a few false starts with other suppliers who ultimately were not able to meet our needs, we then found Coker Engineering who have been like a breath of fresh air to work with. The team are incredibly knowledgeable and really relish making improvements and solving problems. They are even willing to make investments to help achieve our demand. The quality and service we have received so far is second to none. Problems are dealt with quickly and without fuss, and they have robust and organised processes to ensure a good standard and quality is always met.”